Thursday, February 18, 2010

Back to Work!

It's been a rough few days with putting Jack to sleep, I am still sad but life must go on. It is amazing after going to the gym everyday foe 3 weeks, that sitting around for 2 days takes away all my energy and motivation! Well fuck that! I gotta get me back on the treadmill and elliptical. I have a huge goal to meet.

Part of this whole weight loss is being driven by a program I started at the Bangor Y. They call it "The Biggest Mover" which really is a spin off of "The Biggest Loser". We have teams. We have coaches and we meet twice a week for training sessions. It is pretty awesome. I shall try and keep the updates coming as to my success. So far I have lost about 7 lbs so that rocks!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Jack is the hound on the right, snuggling with Autumn on a car ride from NH to Bangor.
Ah so yes I have failed again on the whole, posting everyday thing. Blah. A girl only has so much time. Anyway I really came to post today because me & my fiance had to put one of our dogs to sleep yesterday. Talk about a heart breaker, it's sad enough that we were putting dog to sleep but watching my fiance ball his eyes out is rough. It turns out there was nothing we could do for Jack in the end anyway. He had either 1 of 2 things wrong with him: 1. He had arthritis in his spine which was causing nerve damage which in the end was causing his inability to walk right or control his bowls, 2. The liquid around his spine was deteriorating causing the same results as 1. They said it is something that happens to hound dogs & shepards and they really have no idea what causes it. Anyway he lived a happy, not super long, 8 years, life. He went out with his head being held by both of us & we buried him with his blanket & bowl, his two favorite things. Sadness indeed but all part of the circle of life.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Almost two days in a row....

So close! I started to post yesterday but got side tracked. My ADD must have been a bit hightened yesterday.
I went to see Lovely Bones yesterday. Terrible movie. Usually I like abstract movies like that but it did not mesh well together with the rest of the movie. I've read books by Alice Sebold, which the movie is based on her book, & I enjoyed them. I am not sure what book this movie was based on but it was not one I have read. I will have to do that & see how different the book & movie are.
Short post today but I have a ton of homework to work on. I'm off.

Friday, February 5, 2010


As part of the new year, even though we are a month into it already, I am going to try & post a blog everyday. As you can see I am super timely so I am sure this will work out exactly as planned. Again since I am new to this blogging thing mine is probably going to be the most sporadic thing ever! So today I am going to speak of the Twilight Saga, I am obsessed! Now you might be asking yourself, what is this girl 16 crazy about Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) or Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and going to rant on and on about those two. First of all I am not 16 although sometimes, for brief moments, I wish I was. Secondly while they are both good looking young men, it doesn't make for entertaining reading when I rant on and on about how hot they may or may not be.
So I really hadn't realized how crazy obsessed I was about this series until my fiance pointed it out. As a result I have sat with myself to try & figure this out. I think there are several things at play here: 1. The Love Story 2. The supernatural 3. Fame, and probably more and more.

The love story is intriguing for the obvious reasons, but also because it lights my ass up that love is simply not like that in the real world. No wonder so many marriages end poorly! I can't say I am not disappointed but I also have a pretty level head on my shoulders to realize love isn't like that. I certainly would love it to be sometimes but it just isn't. So many young people rely on the entertainment industry for their "truth" and guidance. Realizing too late that life, nine times out of ten, does not mimic art.
Ever since I read the Harry Potter books I realized how intrigued I am by the possibility of the existence of the supernatural; witches, wizards, vampires, werewolves etc. I mean it is unfathomable to imagine what it would be like. I can say it would be awesome!
The last thing I want to write about today is the fame aspect of this whole Twilight story. Just about everyone involved in this project both the book and the movie was "no one" before. On the one hand I am so happy for those individuals who were able to be a part of this project. One the other hand I am jealous on the behalf of myself and so many others in the world. People kill themselves everyday to work and put food on the table, the people involved in this project certainly worked hard, but the amount of money they get paid in comparison is probably how much I will make in a lifetime. It gets me scheming on ideas on how I can be famous. I doubt it would ever happen as I am sure I have not one talented bone in my body for that type of thing but it seems so easy!
Until next time I will be thinking of ideas and possibly share my progress on that front.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November Already!

I can't believe it is November already. My life seems to be flashing before my eyes. It is really weird too, because the ticks have decided to come out in full force in the past month. Don't know if it is because all the rain we had early in the season or what but everytime the dogs at work go outside they come back in with at least 1 tick on them. All deer ticks too!! Not good. What out for these little suckers, Billy my fiance, got Lyme's Disease two or so years ago & it is not a fun time. He was miserable & is totally paranoid about ticks now. Justifiably so, but sometimes it is annoying. Anyway, this is my short blog for the day, hopefully they will get longer as I go.

Love & Kindness

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Figuring Out The Blog

Working on figuring out how this whole blog works is a bit time consuming. My hope is that once it's figured out I'll really get into it & provide a plethera of interesting posts for folks to enjoy. Until I do get it figured out this is my first boring post.